Sunday, January 9, 2011

He Ran

“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him." Luke 15:20

Oh how we don't deserve God's mercy. I use to listen to the "Prodigal Son" story and think, "That's not fair! He doesn't deserve any mercy - he blew it all!" Now, a little older and stupider (no way I could say wiser!) - I understand this story much better. How many times have I blown it all, squandered all that God has given me and MORE - only to end up with the pigs - regretting it all. I come crawling back to God, wondering if He will even look at me...and yet there - he meets me - every time! Not only does he meet me, but he runs to meet me, and looks me in the eye - accepting me with open arms...again.

He RUNS - He RUNS to us! As soon as we make that turn towards home, we take the step back to Him - He RUNS to us! I'm not sure I'd even run to me...

Oh I don't deserve His mercy.

Today - I rest in His arms. Arms that He holds out for me, my mistakes, my issues, my messed-up-self-centered-me. I rest in His mercy, His grace, and His incredible love.

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