Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The One to Count On

"I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word." Psalm 130:5

There's not a lot to count on these days. Car break down, favorite restaurants shut down, even gas prices can't stay down. In this time of presidential campaigns and lots of promises we hesitate to even believe what is being said. We live in a fallen world, where people, places, and things let us down - BUT GOD WILL NOT, and has not - we can count on Him!

The older I get the more precious the Bible has become to me. The sweet promises of the Lord, the love letters of truth, peace, and life. I am learning to hold them closer to my heart. When I am disheartened by this world and it's disappointments, all I have to do is turn the pages of my bible and see how dependable and powerful my God is to me. Time and time again I read of how He delivered His people, He loved his people, He blessed his people. Always keeping his promises, and always faithful (even when His people were not).

I don't have the greatest memory, and can't always quote it word for word, but how thankful I am that it is God's precious word that comes to my mind when the lies of the enemy whisper in my ears. His Word is powerful - use it, read it, devour it, soak it in - and never let it go! God's promises are true!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea....thanks for sharing your heart in this personal journey. I truly appreciate and am very thankful for the time you spent in sharing your thoughts. You are already a very busy person, and I like your insights. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless ya!
